All About Stress
All About Stress (2022) is a fake documentary about dealing with my stress as a part of my application for a scholarship. The film commences with an intriguing question: "If you could call up anyone in the world and have a one-hour conversation, who would you call, and what would you talk about?" Reflecting upon the question, I realized that when seeking comfort, I habitually resort to venting to friends about my stressors, though this approach only provides temporary relief.
The documentary chronicles my journey of discovery, as I endeavored to explore effective means of stress management. Throughout the documentary, I candidly share my personal experiences and insights from experimenting with diverse stress-reduction techniques. As such, I offer an authentic portrayal of the challenges of managing stress amidst everyday life. My intention is to inspire viewers to prioritize their own mental health and well-being by learning from my story.

Finally, I am pleased to note that the documentary was awarded first place in the scholarship competition. 
Director of Photography


Doi Ahn
Doi Ahn
Dongeun Kang
Doi Ahn

Doi Ahn
Haemin Lee
Gaeun Koo
Dustin Schwindt
Janaya Reeves

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